I just found Kris' baby book. One word describes how I am feeling right now. YIKES. He was 9lbs 3 oz and 22 inches long. Pretty much he was a beast! At least I can't imagine giving birth to anything that large! I am praying our little guy is more like his momma...a good 7 pounder! And, to top it off, Kris grew 12 inches in his first year of life! I swear he was as big as Blake (my 18 month old nephew) is now! Plus, he wore a size 7 shoe when he was 14 months old. NO ONE BUY SHOES FOR THIS CHILD! lol!
Oh goodness. I think I'm starting to panic already! Kally- take slow, deep breaths...
ok, don't freak out, because I was SOO scared Axl was going to be HUGE! I was 9 lbs 2 ounces and Tyler was 9 lbs 4 ounces!!!! I was so nervous but our little guy was only 7 lbs 3.8 ounces! Don't stress!!
That is so funny. I bet he will be the right kind of chunkiness ;) (plus, my mom swore I was going to have a 12 pounder like I was for paybacks.... but that didn't happen.... yet, thank goodness)
That is amazing about the size 7 shoe. Quincey is turning 2 next month and he is a size 6 still!
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