Friday, April 11, 2008


Kris is actually asleep in the other room and I couldn't sleep due to that fact that my mind was filled with visions of Pottery Barn goodness, so I decided to hop online and check out their site. Turns out nothing has changed... It is still just too darn expensive for us! lol! However, while I'm on the topic of Pottery Barn, I must share wonderful news, since I believe that it is the Pottery Barn Outlet that made my breaking news happen!

Drum roll please..... One of my favorite gals from out west is moving to Columbus with her husband to go to Ohio State University! Oh yes! Jen and Tyson Crowther are going to be making the move east and I couldn't be more thrilled! As I spoke with Jen the other day and tried to convince that there are many wonderful things out here, I thought of dear, sweet Pottery Barn Outlet. After telling her of such a place, I think she finally made up her mind that maybe Ohio wouldn't be that bad afterall! lol! So maybe PB Outlet didn't have as much sway as I say, but I know it has definitely helped ease the pain of moving east for Jen! I'm just pumped to have one of my BYU friends within a days drive!

Also...JENNILYN HAD HER BABY!!!!! And...COURTNEY HAD HER BABY! Both are dear friends from way back and surprisingly enough, they both gave birth to beautiful, healthy boys on April 10!!!! I plan on visiting each of the new mothers tomorrow!

So much more to say, but I want to post some stories with pictures, so I'll get on that asap! Tomorrow is Kris' birthday and we plan on going to Lexington for dinner with his family and then a movie with Kourtney and Kris! Should be fun! Too bad the poor kid has to get up at 6am and drive to Martin, KY to sit through a 6 hour electrical license renewal class. Yikes! more thing! I'd like to give a shout out to Lori and Kellie for following through on one of my previous PB posting and purchasing very fabulous gifts from my favorite store! Thanks girls!

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