Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall is in the air!

It's official! My favorite time of year has finally arrived and I am LOVING it! The weather is cool, about the low to mid sixties, their is a slight breeze, the trees are changing colors and all the mums and pumpkins look glorious! Fall makes me a happy, happy girl! Soccer is still in full swing, and although it would be more fun if I were actually playing, I'm enjoying it nonetheless! Less than a week until our wild trip out west and I'm trying to make sure all of our plans are complete. When we get back we have MSU Homecoming and the big parage where my dad will do quite a big of campaigning with all the grandkids in their shirts that say "Vote for my Papaw!" Now it's time to go home, clean up some more of the house and do a little painting! For all of you who don't know what fall looks like in Kentucky, I've included a picture! I hope you're all having a wonderful fall, no matter where you are!


Ryan and Laura said...

Kally- I'm in Cali until Sunday and I left your number at home. You can email me so you don't have to put your number out all publicly n stuff.
Hope to hear from you soon!

Berkley, Meredith, Tanner & Avery said...

Yay! I love fall too! It is the best time of year. Hope to see a Kentucky fall sometime.