This is a bit late, but I ran across these pictures and had to post them! There is one that I find HILARIOUS of Kris and my Aunt Nish. As you can see, the height difference is, well, astounding! She isn't even 5 feet tall! Kris is over 1 1/2 feet taller than poor Aunt Nish! But don't be fooled! What she lacks in height she makes up in personality!
There are also a few from when the Ohio Kappes Clan came to visit (a trip to see Santa at The Citizen's Bank, opening presents, Kappes family party, etc...) My personal favorite is the one of me, Hannah, Kennedy, and Haley trying to smoosh together to get a picture! I love these girls!

Below are some more pictures! My favorite being that of Harper playing a very sad/mad Mary on Christmas Eve. This wasn't planned, but the timing couldn't have been more perfect! Also notice Brady's adorable reaction to his new construction pajamas! And my second favorite of this group...Kolby wearing his "I Love Hot Moms" t-shirt!!! This family is nuts!

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